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Guest Opinion

I am the daughter of Steven Gidumal, and our family owns the land on which the abandoned Tinicum bridge sits. The protection and preservation of the (Headquarters Road) bridge is an issue I have been …

End the cruelty of live pigeon shoots

Pennsylvania, often celebrated for its rich history and diverse landscapes, harbors a dark secret that stains its reputation. We are the last state in the country to openly and legally permit live …

T.S. Eliot once wrote that April is the cruelest month. Anyone with a January birthday would vehemently disagree with his assertion. It is ironic that Eliot died on Jan. 4. The real cruelest month …

Prior to the recent Central Bucks School Board elections, if one had listened only to major media reports and certain candidates, one would have gotten the unmistakable impression that the four …

The case against gas-powered lawn equipment

Everyone’s experienced the frustration of listening to the loud roar of lawn care equipment being used nearby, but most Pennsylvanians are likely unaware of the massive amounts of air pollution …

Last week America celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As usual, for me, the day was a time of reflection on where we are as a nation concerning racial equality. I must say that 2023 was a disturbing …

The following is an open letter to the Buckingham Township Planning Commission. At your upcoming meeting on Feb. 7, you are set to consider the plans for a 150,000-square-foot warehouse on the …

Recently, President Biden announced his plans to bring fentanyl under control. Since taking office three years ago, illegal immigration and the poison fentanyl made significant inroads into …

What happens if you call 911 for an ambulance and no one responds? This may become a real scenario due to the severe EMS (Emergency Medical Services) crisis that is occurring across the United States. …

The following is an open letter to Doylestown Borough’s zoning board and planning commission. As residents who live near the proposed new hotel on West Court Street, we are writing to urge you to …

Voter turnout — readers weigh in

In several recent columns in this newspaper, the League of Women Voters has addressed the issue of poor voter turnout. Last month we invited readers to help us identify ways to encourage better voter …

Money matters in public education. We proved it.

Sometimes it’s a good thing that history repeats itself. It’s worth considering when it comes to funding public schools. The recent release of the public school assessments is a stark warning that …

Fearing Trump, everyone passes the buck

Will somebody please finally, definitively decide whether Donald Trump is fit to be on the ballot? Too many are content to kick this can down the road, to pass the buck. In February 2021, Mitch …

Living in the neighborhood of the proposed “boutique hotel,” I have wondered what would happen to Doylestown Borough Hall for what feels like decades, since the borough decided to move its …

What’s In a Name? Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy or LGMD wasn’t really in my vocabulary until recently. I’ve always had difficulty with stairs, running, getting up from low chairs, and so forth, …

The American flag has always been a revered symbol, certainly in my lifetime. Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the issue of flag-burning was all the rage, with efforts by presidents and …

Last month, the new Democrat-controlled Central Bucks School Board had its first policy meeting. If you are a resident here, you should be very concerned.

Janet Hunt: Between the lines

I met Janet Hunt about 30 years ago. She ran the gallery tucked under Hamilton’s Grill in Lambertville. There was more to both our lives before that, but meeting creates a line in memory because …

I recently read a story in a local newspaper about a man named Geoffrey Holt who passed away. He lived in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. I did not know Mr. Holt, but the town of Hinsdale certainly changed …

I write to underscore the vital role that zoning laws play in safeguarding the integrity of our communities. Zoning laws are not arbitrary regulations but rather tools crafted to protect against …

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