After several of the Bucks County synagogues held special services with their own congregations, clergy from eight synagogues and hundreds of people gathered recently at Shir Ami in Newtown for a vigil in support of Israel and peace as one larger community, along with many of our interfaith colleagues.
The following is a statement from the Jewish Bucks County Clergy Council:
The world has witnessed one of the most grotesque acts of terrorism, carried out by Hamas, against innocent Israeli civilians. We condemn these barbaric acts against children and babies, the elderly and infirm. They clearly show the depths of the depravity of these terrorists.
The vicious massacre of Israelis by Hamas terrorists has traumatized our Jewish communities. We are heartbroken. What happens in Israel impacts us deeply. We need to express our grief and our solidarity with Israelis.
In spite of our differing views of the Israeli-Palestinian situation, we band together in full support of Israel.
We keep our hearts open to the suffering of innocent civilians on both sides of the border.
We look to our friends and neighbors to join us in condemning Hamas and in supporting Israel at this critical time.
Together, we pray for the realization of the words of the prophet Isaiah, Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
Gerry Bogatz, Jewish Bucks County Clergy Council
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