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Doylestown researcher to speak at fellowship in Frenchtown


Doreen Stratton of Doylestown has been invited to present the sermon Sunday, at the First Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hunterdon County (Hunterdon UU), located at 1 Oak Summit Road, Frenchtown, N.J.

Her sermon is titled, “Sankofa—Reaching back to go forward.” It is a Ghanaian proverb from that country’s Twi language. The symbol for Sankofa is the hen with her feet forward as she reaches back for the egg, representing the beginning. The service starts at 10:30 a.m.

Stratton is a third-generation Doylestown resident, living with her sister, Judith, in the house where their grandparents, Joseph B. and Lillie A. Stratton, settled in 1887.

Since 2014, Stratton has given Power Point presentations about The Underground Railroad, Blacks in the Civil War, Juneteenth and Doylestown Black History. She also features other contemporary topics on her blog, The Bucks Underground Railroad, which can be found at

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Doreen Stratton, sermon, Hunterdon UU, Underground Railroad