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HISTORY LIVES: 15 W. State St.


This downtown Doylestown address, next to the Fountain House, has housed landmark businesses for more than 150 years. First a livery stable, it was built in 1871 by William Corson where “as high as 150 horses were fed at one meal.” In 1901, livery owner N. Fretz advertised the rental of “stylish driving teams, two and three-seated carriages, and large wagons for parties of ten to twenty,” and their “hack” would “meet all trains and deliver passengers to all parts of town.”

By 1918 the horseless carriage had arrived, and Dr. George Hayman went into business with Russell G. Rutherford to establish the Rutherford Hayman Motor Company. Rutherford retired, Charles Radcliff joined the company and, in 1923, the name changed to Hayman-Radcliff Motor Co.

The following year, a Chevrolet showroom was constructed at 15 W. State St. The service facility (formerly the Doylestown Garage) in the rear at 57 W. Court St. was purchased; and by 1936 owners Charles Radliff, Thawley Hayman and 23 employees had sold 5,802 new and used cars to date.

The Hyman-Radcliff Motor Co. was sold to Raymond E Mills Motors in 1959. In 1963, Herbert Class and Neal Harlan established Class-Harlan Real Estate on the site. The firm continues to occupy 15 W. State St. where they have served the community for the past 60 years.

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