Borough Dog Catcher. At the regular monthly meeting of Doylestown Borough Council on March 20, 1911, a Mr. Watson said he had been “asked to call Council’s attention to the decided nui-sance of dogs chasing wagons and horses and in some instances the dogs had bro-ken the skins on horses’ legs and that something should be done to protect owners of teams.”
The borough treasurer reported that only 22 dog tags had been issued during 1910. Mr. Watson was directed to secure the services of a dog catcher, and he said he would “get a man who would perform the duties and arrest every dog that did not have a tag.”
At the April 1911 council meeting, Mr. Watson “reported that he had made arrange-ments for a man to come here to fill the position. He said that the dog catcher would not be heralded with a brass band but would do his work well and would show no fa-vors to anyone, and suggested that he be given police authority, which the Solicitor said could be done. The borough treasurer was instructed to procure one hundred tags for dogs. . .and the solicitor stated that it was not necessary that the pound should be within the borough.”
Dog tags sold briskly thereafter.
Source: Doylestown Daily Democrat March 21 and April 18, 1911.
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