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“Images of the Divine” on view at Pebble Hill Church


In preparation for the upcoming holidays, Pebble Hill Church has decorated its sanctuary with “Images of the Divine.”

Depictions of angels, Mary and Jesus, the Goddess, nature spirits, and other holy beings grace the walls.

Artists in this show include Abigail Boehm, Cynthia Greb, and Robin Reichert. There are also some pieces by Gwyn Michael and Lillian Michael, both now deceased, as well as paintings and prints from the collections of Rosalind Cauffman, Chloe Iceman, and Jeff McNair.

During Sunday morning celebration, at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 3, the three artists will share what inspired them to create their work. Afterward, there will be refreshments and an opportunity to meet the artists. The event will culminate at 1:30 p.m.

The church is located at 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown.

This show will be on the walls until the end of the year and can be viewed any Sunday immediately after Pebble Hill’s morning services, which begin at 10:30 a.m. and end at noon. Any questions may be directed to Cynthia Greb at

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Pebble Hill Church, “Images of the Divine”