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Letters to the Herald

“Together for Council Rock” ironically named


Recent campaign letters from “Together for Council Rock” candidates Nikki Khan, Tracey Osecki and Kimberly Winnick, attempt to scare our neighbors by using loaded and dangerous terms like “book banning,” “whitewashing history,” and “lawsuits.” They say they want to stop “chaos from coming to Council Rock.”

However, the truth is that the current board majority — including Ed Salamon, Joe Hidalgo and Steve Nowmos — has created stability for our students and community by making commonsense and reasonable decisions.

The only people creating chaos in Council Rock are the “Together for Council Rock” candidates. Following a misrepresentation about book-banning, board member Michael Thorwart was quoted in the Herald saying “We aren’t banning books.”

We need stability and rational leaders in our community, not overzealous partisans sowing division. Take the out-of-state politics and divisive rhetoric out of our wonderful school district.

This election let’s support the commonsense candidates, Ed Salamon, Anne Horner, Joe Hidalgo, Steve Nowmos, Jonathan Seamans and Natalya Khavulya who follow the school’s mission of “Students First Always.”

Debbie Evangelou, Richboro

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