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Bucks Gives a Buck encourages entire community of Bucks County to get involved in meaningful way


There are over 438,000 adults living in Bucks County: What if all of them donated one dollar to support the local cancer community?

Bucks Gives a Buck is the vehicle that will take that “what if” and make it a reality. The campaign, organized by Kin Wellness and Support Center, a nonprofit that provides free care to hundreds of local Bucks County cancer patients and their caregivers, launches Jan. 18 and will run for six weeks, lasting until the end of February.

The good people of Bucks County will be asked to donate one dollar via the nonprofit’s website at or by mailing a check. The website accepts credit card, GPay, PayPal, venmo and bank transfers, making it very easy for those who want to give. Checks can be made payable to Kin, and mailed to 2325 Heritage Center Drive, Suite 113, Furlong, PA 18925.

Keith Fenimore, executive director and founding member of Kin, explained the genesis of the idea. “When I was kid my dad took me to Eagles games and the guys outside the stadium selling pretzels would scream, ‘What the (expletive), it’s just a buck.’ That phrase stuck with me.

“All these years later, I decided to take a less profanity riddled approach and ask my community to donate a buck to help our local cancer community through Kin, and Bucks Gives a Buck was born. It is a worthy cause, obtainable and accessible to most everyone in the county, and a very nontraditional approach to fundraising, which I love.”

Those who donate will be asked to “Pass the Buck.” The campaigns success depends on everyone who donates to share the campaign. A “Buck” flyer has been created so people can literally “pass the buck” through social media. The dollar flyer has the website, mission and QR code to donate online. There are also window decals and banners that will be placed throughout the county.

Kin, a nonprofit, all-inclusive wellness and support center cares for over 400 local Bucks County cancer patients, providing free services to them and their caregivers. As a 501(c)(3) all donations to Kin are tax deductible.

Bucks Gives a Buck has the support of talented minds behind-the-scenes helping to bring the vision to life, including Mike Strigl, Stefan Boublil and Gina Alverez (The Apt.), Dave Douglas (ebow) and Courtney Taylor (Taylor Outfitters), and Chris Millili.

Learn more about ways to support Kin at or call 267-544-5981 or email at

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