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Bucks students clean Burlington Island for Earth Day


Spearhead Project Earth, a nonprofit initiative led by global sustainable packaging company The Spearhead Group, headquartered in Yardley, honored Earth Day this year by continuing its mission to eliminate plastic waste from the Delaware River.

To kick off spring, the nonprofit hosted student volunteers from the Bucks Learning Cooperative to assist in removing plastics around Burlington Island on Friday, April 21.

The experience coincided with Earth Day (April 22) to raise local awareness and active involvement in keeping New Jersey and Pennsylvania waterways clean.

In attendance at the event were 20 Bucks Learning Cooperative students and teachers; Patricia Burguete, head of Global Sustainability, The Spearhead Group; Robert Catalano, president and board of trustees chairman, Spearhead Project Earth; Joe Abate, Board of Island Managers; Dave Babula, Councilman at Large; and Alexis Sellers, mentor, Bucks Learning Cooperative.

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