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Make Neshaminy Creek safe for Pennsylvanians


According to a recent survey by the Pennsylvania Water Science Department, 76% of 161 streams and rivers were contaminated with polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) or “forever chemicals.”

From the 161 sampled streams, researchers noted that Neshaminy Creek had one of the highest concentrations of PFAS in Pennsylvania. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, exposure to PFAS can lead to some serious health risks. Exposure leads to various levels of harm to the immune system, disruptions in reproductive and fetal development, hormone disruption and increased risk of cancer.

Even though Pennsylvania was amongst the 10 states to have safety standards set for PFAS in drinking water, surface water regulations have still not been set. However, studies have established that in towns with combined sewage systems, heavy rain can lead to a combination of stormwater and wastewater. Contaminated stormwater can then get easily mixed within the wastewater stream and become a part of the discharge from treatment plants into drinking water.

I am calling on Representative Brian Munroe and Senator Frank Farry to ensure clean drinking water and to make Neshaminy Creek safe for Pennsylvanians.

Kanika Verma


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PFAS, Forever chemicals