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New program to offer low-income seniors assistance


A partnership of Bucks County nonprofits is piloting a program offering a range of support to senior citizens over the age of 70, the Bucks County Opportunity Council recently announced.

With funding from the Gene and Marlene Epstein Humanitarian Fund, the Senior Self-Sufficiency Services project will initially help 20 previously selected households with up to $3,000 over a maximum of six months. The financial assistance can include gift cards for food and gas, rent payments or costs of moving into a home, said the BCOC, in a statement. Transportation costs or other basic needs can also be covered.

“The funds will enable these seniors to access vital financial assistance and support to prevent future crises, maintain stable housing and return to self-sufficiency,” the organization said.

At the end of the six months, the organizations will review the program’s effectiveness and seek funding to support more eligible seniors.

The collaborative effort brings the BCOC, The Christmas Gala and Family Service Association of Bucks County together to offer critical assistance to the elderly in need, said Gene Epstein, who is well-known in Bucks County for his philanthropy.

“This initiative, helping the elderly, is something special that we are proud to sponsor,” he said.

Epstein said he was struck by letters he received from those he gave $100 to at a food pantry during the holidays last year.

“I was shocked at so many responses from people writing that with that extra $100 they were able to get two weeks of heating fuel. Two weeks? Others said they are going to be able to have their car repaired or put some more food on their table.”

The Epsteins have long supported numerous programs to help those in need. From college scholarships, to establishing Wheelz2Work that encourages donations of vehicles to low-income families, to sending a $5,000 check to a family whose home needed retrofitting after the husband and father was diagnosed with ALS, the couple’s generosity has helped many individuals and families in Bucks County and around the country.

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