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Council Rock board bids Marcell a fond farewell, outlines how to fill vacancy


Kristin Marcell bid farewell to the Council Rock School Board at its special meeting Feb. 9 as the board, after voting to accept her resignation, spelled out the procedure for appointing her replacement.

Marcell, a Republican and Wrightstown resident, had represented Council Rock’s Region 9 (all of Wrightstown and two voting precincts in Newtown Township) for more than 4.5 years. She stepped down after being sworn in as the new state representative in Legislative District 178 early in January.

While it’s legal to hold both positions, Marcell decided it was best for her and her family if she did not do that.

“We have wonderful schools, wonderful students and wonderful community members, whom we advocate for every day,” she said in her farewell remarks.

It certainly hasn’t all been easy, especially dealing with conflicts over how to respond with the coronavirus pandemic, Marcell continued.

“There were things said to us I can’t repeat in a public forum,” she said. “It’s very hard but my friends and supporters encouraged me to keep going, for my kids and their kids. To the community, thank you for allowing me to serve you.”

Two of Marcell’s friends and Region 9 residents had words of praise for what they felt were Marcell’s hard work and diligent service on the board, as did several board members.

“She is one of the hardest working board members you would ever want to see. Whoever is thinking of replacing her, you have a lot to prepare for,” board President Ed Salamon said.

“I thought Kristin showed a real willingness to work with everyone on the board,” member Ed Tate added. “I know she prides herself on being in the middle, being a bridge and helping to reach compromises.”

Marcell’s resignation comes in time for interested Region 9 residents to file nominating petitions with the Bucks County Board of Elections and run in this year’s primary.

In addition to that, remaining board members must appoint a replacement for Marcell within 30 days of Feb. 9 to serve until the reorganization meeting in early December. Superintendent Andrew Sanko said that residents wishing to be appointed should send resumes and letters of interest to him either by email ( or regular mail (attention Andrew Sanko, Council Rock School District, 30 N. Chancellor St., Newtown, PA 18940).

All letters and resumes must be received by 4 p.m. today, Feb. 16. All letters must be signed and certify that the applicant is a Region 9 resident, is at least 18, has been a school district resident for at least a year and is a qualified elector. Sanko said selected candidates will be interviewed on Feb. 28 and an appointment made either that night or at another special meeting before March 10.

Whoever is appointed to the seat would have to run and win in this year’s election to retain it beyond the December reorganization meeting. The person who wins the Region 9 election would then serve through Marcell’s unexpired term, which is the early December reorganization meeting in 2025.

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