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Council Rock sets 2% tax hike, starts HR director search


The Council Rock School Board approved a final 2023-24 budget with a 2 percent property tax hike at its June 22 meeting while also taking steps to start the search to replace Human Resources Director Christine Taylor, who is resigning effective Sept. 22 to take the same job in the Abington School District.

The $267.9 million budget has no staff or educational program cuts and adds a gifted teacher for both the elementary and middle schools, two English Language Development teachers, an end point technician and two more security officers.

The 2 percent tax increase equates to 2.69 mills, or $102 more in annual taxes for a resident with a property assessed at the district average of $38,060. Total millage increases to 137.1573, or $5,220 in annual taxes for a resident with the average assessed property. The hike is well below the maximum 4.1 percent allowed under the state's Act 1 Index for next school year, which starts July 1.

"I think we did well because in Bucks County we're seeing increases of 2, 3 and 4 percent across other school districts," board member Stephen Nowmos said. Neighboring Pennsbury recently approved a final budget with the maximum 4.1 percent tax increase.

The final Council Rock budget was approved 7-1 with board member Yota Palli the only dissenter. She felt a tax increase of 2.5 percent would have been preferable, saying it would better ensure the district has enough revenue without dipping too much into its fund balance, or surplus.

Also at the meeting, board members approved an agreement with the Bucks County Intermediate Unit to provide services in the search for a new human resources director, including helping the board decide on key attributes desired in a new HR director, advertising for candidates, establishing an online application portal and facilitating interviews.

The IU will not charge an actual fee but will be reimbursed by the district for travel, advertising, marketing materials, postage and other expenses in an amount estimated to be about $1,000 and not to exceed $3,000. The agreement expires Dec. 31.

Taylor has been Council Rock's human resources director for 11 years and during that time has seen turnover in every other major, district-level administrative post except hers.

Several board members praised her work for the district.

"You're the hardest working HR director in Bucks County, and I appreciate the work you've done," board President Ed Salamon said.

"I've had a wonderful experience here," Taylor said after the meeting.

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