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Mike Clement out as Tinicum tax collector

Website now lists Deborah Ann Yerger in the role


Editor's Note:  This story has been updated to reflect that Mike Clement will have no role  in Tinicum tax collection going forward.

Mounting community distress over the underperformance of tax collector Mike Clement spurred the Tinicum Township Board of Supervisors to remove him from the position following a special meeting held Feb. 16.

Springfield Township tax collector Deborah Ann Yerger will now serve out the remainder of Clement’s term, which expires Dec. 31, 2025.

“Deborah Ann Yerger is the new tax collector for Tinicum Township,” Tinicum’s website announced at the top of the homepage. “Tax bills will be mailed on Monday, February 27.”

Solicitor Steve Harris recounted the chronic issues plaguing the township’s tax responsibilities since Clements’ appointment at the start of 2022.

“Last May, Chairman (Richard) Rosamilia and Member (Eleanor) Breslin met with Mr. Clement to address the growing number of residents expressing tax issue anxiety, confusion and concern. Following this meeting, nothing had improved. The board reached out again last November, expressing additional difficulties, to no avail.”

Bucks County issued a township-wide reminder that, as is required under the law, the county must ensure each township tax collector completes their settlements and closes out the previous year’s ‘tax duplicates’ (certification of real-estate assessments) by Jan. 15 of the following year.

“This deadline has not been met by Tinicum Township as yet,” added Harris. “As a result, the county has informed the Tinicum board they are not going to issue Mr. Clement tax duplicates for 2023.”

Breslin commented, “Because the tax collector is an elected official, I feel what we are contemplating here this evening is an extraordinary step.”

This position provides a vital role as the primary channel from which township revenue flows, she noted.

“It is essential tax reports are reliable, accurate and complete and that Tinicum residents receive their tax bills in a timely manner to take advantage of available discounts and avoid unfair penalties.”

She further stated that when Tinicum’s tax duplicates were not submitted by the Jan. 15 deadline, the law requires the board of supervisors to appoint someone. “This is an action we are not only considering, but one we are required to take under current law.”

The situation reached its tipping point on Feb. 7 when Bucks County Chief Financial Officer David Bascola wrote the Tinicum Township Board stating, pursuant to local tax collection law, he saw no alternative other than to replace Mr. Clement, requesting the board act immediately.

Solicitor Harris added, “The driving reason we called this special meeting rather than wait for our next regularly scheduled one is that 2023 tax duplicates are required to be sent out by March 1 and we urgently need a Tinicum collector to meet this critical deadline.”

Having Yerger serve as tax collector for both Springfield and Tinicum simultaneously is permitted by the Local Tax Collection Act.

Breslin made it a point to state, “Mr. Clement was informed that this special meeting was taking place, and he is not present tonight.”

Reached for comment, Clement stated in writing, “I was not informed of, and I have no knowledge of any [special] meeting held on Thursday, February 16. I have no knowledge of what occurred at this meeting. I have yet to be informed of any decision that the Supervisors may have made. I assume that they appointed the person they wanted.”

Board member James Helms made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Rosamilia, and it passed unanimously.

Palisades School District Director Silvia Leblanc expressed gratitude on behalf of the entire Palisades School Board for the township’s swift action. “We have serious concerns about the accuracy of these tax records and will now need to begin separate audits, at the taxpayers’ expense, to ensure the veracity of what we have.”

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