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Multiple police departments to target aggressive drivers


The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) said more than 80 municipal police departments from Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties will join the Pennsylvania State Police in a coordinated aggressive driving enforcement wave.

This collective effort, announced Monday as part of a statewide mobilization running through Aug. 18, is aimed at reducing the number of crashes, injuries, and fatalities on area roadways.

The enforcement wave will target heavy truck violations, pedestrian safety, red light running, and tailgating. Motorists demonstrating unsafe behaviors, such as driving too fast for conditions or other aggressive actions, will also be cited.

Law enforcement will utilize strategies such as traffic enforcement zones, saturation patrols, speed enforcement details, corridor enforcement, work zone enforcement, and multi-jurisdictional patrol to identify and cite aggressive drivers.

The enforcement is part of Pennsylvania’s Highway Safety Program and is funded by part of PennDOT’s investment of federal funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

If you encounter an aggressive driver, PennDOT offers these tips: Get out of their way and don’t challenge them. Stay relaxed, avoid eye contact, and ignore rude gestures. Don’t block the passing lane if you drive slower than most traffic .Do not attempt to follow or pursue the vehicle. You or a passenger may call the police. But, if you use a cell phone, pull over to a safe location.

According to 2023 PennDOT crash data, there were 1,363 aggressive driving crashes, resulting in 39 fatalities and 104 suspected serious injuries in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties. Aggressive driving crashes involve at least two aggressive driving factors in the same crash. Factors include, but are not limited to, running stop signs or red lights, tailgating, careless turning or passing, and driving too fast for conditions.

The goal of targeted enforcement is to reduce the number of aggressive-driving-related crashes, injuries, and deaths on roadways throughout the state. Any aggressive driver stopped by police will receive a ticket.

To learn more about aggressive driving and other PennDOT safety initiatives, visit

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