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Solebury audit finds township on sound financial footing


Solebury Township’s annual audit for 2022 was delivered June 29 by its new auditors, Zelenkofskke & Assoc., and the township was found to have had a fiscally sound year while enduring the lingering long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supervisor Robert McEwan reported to the board of supervisors on Tuesday that “the township designed a conservative 2022 budget due to more than the usual unknowns. We stayed within the expense budget.”

Highlights of the findings included:

~ Due to long-term effects of the COVID pandemic, the township took early corrective action by eliminating, delaying or deferring expenses to subsequent years to operate efficiently and within budget. By year-end, Earned Income Tax and Real Estate Transfer Tax collections exceeded budget enabling the township to end the year with a positive net position.

~ The higher than anticipated Earned Income Tax and Real Estate Transfer Tax revenues allowed the township to fund an additional $900,000 for future capital projects.

~ Moody’s again rated the township at Aa1 due to its strong financial position, which has consistently improved over the years.

~ The municipality used a portion of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to operate the township’s Deer Management program. Herd reduction efforts are on track and the program will continue in an effort to sustain the reduction.

~ The township continued its efforts to apply for available grants to fund various capital items in 2022, and was awarded $50,000 from the state Department of Economic & Community Development for the dredging and repairs to the Carversville culvert.

~ The township was awarded $140,665 in expense reimbursements from FEMA for losses incurred due to Hurricane Ida in September 2021.

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