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Solebury moves to protect open space


It’s a “trust-but-verify” approach or, as the Solebury supervisor chairman explained, it’s a “belt-and-suspenders” assurance that efforts to preserve township open space won’t fall down on the job.

Chair Mark Baum-Baicker on Tuesday explained that Solebury acquired land using its open space funds. This includes the former 80-acre Roeser tract at Upper Mountain and Street roads and several parcels along Route 202 near Reeder Road, the largest adjacent to the former New Hope Diner.

The land was purchased under the Open Space Act, which states it cannot be disposed of unless township voters approve.

Under the new board action, approved unanimously, the supervisors will not sell or transfer any of these properties unless “their use is restricted to open space or township voters approve such a sale.”

In other business, the board removed previous restrictions on selling alcohol at 415 S. York Road, site of a previous Chevrolet dealership. The new owner, Finale Partners LLC, wants to create a restaurant at the site.

The board also:

• Approved three feet deep underground electrical wiring for two residences at 6475 Upper York Road from the street through a riparian corridor;

• Heard plans, but took no action, on a proposal by Omega Self Storage at 6814 Lower York Road to expand the facility by building a three-story, climate controlled storage facility on the site;

• Agreed to advertise for adoption an updated Farm Accessory Dwelling Ordinance at its July 16 meeting. The measure sets conditional use and bulk area regulations for accessory dwellings for farm workers;

• Agreed to send a letter to Buckingham Township regarding its wastewater spray field irrigation system proposed for the northwest corner of Street and Mechanicsville roads, noting that “while that location is in Buckingham, any such project will impact residents of Solebury.”

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