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Solebury eyes dangerous intersection near Aquetong Spring Park


Options for dealing with traffic woes around the Aquetong Spring Park entrance occupied the Solebury Board of Supervisors and its traffic consultant Tuesday.

Its traffic consultant, Mark Roth of McMahon Associates, offered two options for solving the dangerous problem around the Ingham Road / Lower Mountain Road / Route 202 intersection.

The first would be to create a one-way-only entrance to Ingham Road and Lower Mountain Road that would involve widening Route 202 at the entrance. The second would be to create a cul-de-sac with an emergency route.

However, Chair Mark Baum Baicker noted that due to further funding and PennDOT approvals, completion of any construction is at least two to three years away.

In other business, the board heard from Doug Brindley, president of the board of trustees and the Free Library of New Hope and Solebury, who made the library’s revenue report to the township.

He reported that as of July 31 government aid includes $37,416 from the state, $43,687 from New Hope Borough and $112,000 from Solebury, for a total of $193,103. This totals 82% of the library’s income.

The rest comes from fundraising — 11%; program grants — 5%; and earned revenues — 2%.

Brindley also reported that the library’s annual Spelling Bee, which has featured municipal officials, including Solebury’s supervisors will not be held this year. He said the Spelling Bee will return in 2024.

Instead, he said, the library will hold a Halloween Spectacular Oct. 19 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Logan Inn’s below-ground theater. Tickets are $50.

Mr. Poe will entertain guests with readings from his works. Patrons are encouraged to dress as characters from their favorite stories.

The board also agreed to amend its Motor Vehicles and Traffic Code to restrict unlicensed, uninspected and dismantled vehicles from being stored or parked on township roads.

Baum Baicker acknowledged the deaths of two area residents since the August meeting.

Pat Knight, 84, of Phillips Mill Road died Sept. 6 and Laurie McHugh, 58, the vice president of the New Hope Borough Council, died Aug. 22 in a car accident.

Pat Knight was a Solebury supervisor in the early 1980s and a memorial service for her will be held Saturday, Oct. 7, at 11 a.m. at the Solebury Friends Meeting on Sugan Road where she was a member, Baum Baicker said, adding, “My family knew Pat for many years. She will be missed.”

Baum Baicker also extended “Solebury Township’s deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Laurie McHugh, a New Hope Council person.... We also send condolences to the New Hope Council for its loss, as Laurie was a very active and passionate member.”

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