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Tretton Farmstead commercial event facility denied by Tinicum supervisors


At the April 18 Tinicum Board of Supervisors meeting, before the first agenda item was even called, Township Solicitor Steve Harris made a surprise motion to first open a conditional use hearing on the historic Tretton Farmstead’s long-embattled applications to renovate its property as a commercial event venue, particularly for weddings.

“As no additional request for an extension has been received, the board is required to act this evening on both their use applications – otherwise, the project will be deemed approved.”

A part of the proposed restoration project, dating back to 2019, requested conditional use approval to construct stormwater management facilities in steep slopes and permit substantial property improvements within the Tohickon Creek Watershed overlay.

Harris asked attendees if there was anyone present to enter further evidence on behalf of Tretton Farms. Seeing no one come forward, he made a recommendation to the board of supervisors.

“As there has been no evidence produced to support their conditional use application, I propose it be denied for the reasons set forth in the planning commission’s meeting minutes, the township engineer’s review letter and the simple fact that no evidence has been presented to establish compliance with the four conditional uses requested.”

The board unanimously voted for denial.

Harris then brought forth the Tretton Farmstead’s land development plan. Revised plans were to have been reviewed by the planning commission last January but at the conclusion of that meeting, as they clearly needed more time to comply, Tretton’s legal counsel requested the commission agree to ‘suspend the clock.’ The commission agreed to the hold, however since that meeting no new Tretton review meeting could be scheduled.

“The requested revised plan was never submitted to the planning commission,” said Harris, “and again, no one is present here tonight to provide any evidence in regard to the land development application challenges.” Harris reviewed a slew of dates following a long history of back-and-forth plan reviews between the planning commission, township engineer and Tretton.

Since its first sketches were presented back in 2019, Tretton Farmstead has long been a concern to residents as well. The Herald reported in March 2022 community concerns about possible illegal asbestos removal from the property outbuildings as well as the unsolved challenges of providing appropriate parking facilities for Tretton’s proposed events. Community members chafed over concerns that the zoning board had been too lenient, and that certain work was proceeding without the proper approvals.

“By not following protocols currently in place, Tinicum’s generally tough rules on renovation and the environment might be superseded,” stated concerned resident Terry Johnson, who lives across the street from the Tretton property. He also commented last March that “protocols based on a December 2019 sketch plan were simply not followed.”

At the April 18 supervisors meeting, Harris was clear the township was now required to write a decision if it intends to deny these applications. He specified the ongoing deficiencies in compliance with zoning and subdivision ordinances as itemized in the township engineers review letters and the planning commission review minutes as well.

“With that, I request a motion to deny the plan based upon the deficiencies I have outlined,” he said. The board once again unanimously denied the Tretton Farmstead application.

In other news, Harris addressed fallout from the recent removal of the township’s tax collector. As tax checks had not been deposited on time, numerous residents have been dealt undeserved penalties for late tax payments.

To help counter this, an affidavit form has been developed which will be available on the township’s website. Residents need to submit the form to the township, which will in turn provide it to the county.

“Only Bucks County can waive these penalties, not the township board,” warned Harris. “This affidavit is for Tinicum property taxes only, not Palisades school taxes.”

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