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Village Improvement Association presents Designer House and Gardens proceeds to Doylestown Health


The Village Improvement Association of Doylestown (VIA) recently presented a check in the amount of $133,800 to Doylestown Health.

The check represented proceeds from the 47th Bucks County Designer House & Gardens event held at Broadhurst last fall.

The Interventional Radiology Center at Doylestown Hospital is the major beneficiary of funds from the 2022 Designer House. Interventional Radiology (IR) uses medical imaging to guide minimally invasive surgical procedures that diagnose, treat, and cure conditions related to oncology, gastrointestinal issues, vascular interventions, pain management and more.

Medical imaging is a vital component in the diagnosis of many conditions, setting patients on the path to treatment, in many cases before any symptoms are detectable. Proceeds from the 2022 Designer House, along with donations from others to ONE VISION: The Campaign for Doylestown Health, will have an immediate and direct impact on the continued delivery of award-winning medical care in the community.

Remaining proceeds from the 2022 Designer House will benefit several VIA committees providing assistance and support to the Central Bucks community. These committees include the VIA Welfare Committee, Education Committee, Women’s Scholarship Committee, Community Recognition and Response Committee, Veterans Committee, Home Life Committee and Centennial Committee. Funds were also allocated for the maintenance of the James-Lorah Memorial Home, which serves as the VIA’s headquarters and hosts community events.

The Village Improvement Association founded Doylestown Hospital, which will celebrate its Centennial in 2023. The Bucks County Designer House & Gardens is the VIA’s largest fundraiser. The organization selects a historic property in Bucks County to be updated by professional decorators and landscapers and then opens it to the public for tours and other events.

Planning is underway for the next Designer House & Gardens, Sycamore Lane Farm, which will be held in spring 2024.

To learn more about the Village Improvement Association, visit the VIA website Information about the Bucks County Designer House & Gardens is available at

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