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Letters to the Herald

A well-deserved honor for a community gem


Last week, a family member from New Jersey visited our home for a couple days, during which the most recent Herald was sitting on our coffee table. After reading it, she commented, “That’s a good newspaper!”

Obviously, the folks at Editor & Publisher magazine agree. The prestigious publication named Herald Editor-in-Chief John Anastasi to its list of 17 exemplary editors across the nation. Mr. Anastasi and the Herald are in the company of editors from The Washington Post, The Richmond Times-Dispatch, and other large dailies.

What a well-deserved honor for Mr. Anastasi and our community gem, the Bucks County Herald. To have such an excellent newspaper available free every week is such a gift.

As a nonprofit that thrives on community support, we should all honor Mr. Anastasi and the Herald with our financial support for the Herald Foundation.

Ed Richardson, Doylestown

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