A recent Letter to the Editor criticizing the Republican platform (“GOP platform is full of fantasy,” July 18) used a tactic sometimes referred to as a “presumptive close.”
Without providing any critical facts, the author simply said that the Republican Platform was unrealistic when it notes that a Trump presidency would be “a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world, together.”
That’s ambitious but not realistic, the author said.
That Republican platform serves every racial and ethnic group in America by stating what President Trump proposes.
What, pray tell, does the author specifically object to in the Republican Platform?
Of course, this publication from the ownership down to the Executive Editor didn’t require the writer to disclose an affiliation with the Bucks County League of Women Voters LWV.
Most readers will never know the letter writer, like the LWV, is one of the biggest local supporters of removing the Electoral College from the U.S. Constitution. Removal of the Electoral College from the U.S. Constitution, which would crush the will of the voters from small states and put national federal elections in the hands of the leftist states like California, New York, Maryland, Illinois and others.
Paul Fanelli, Bedminster Township
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