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Guest Opinion

Babies depend on their moms after birth, too


There was a Letter to the Editor in the July 11 edition (“Why abortion is not murder”) that made definitive statements about abortion not being murder. I would like to respectfully rebut this opinion.

The letter began by stating that words are important in pursuing truth. I agree. The letter went on to indicate that “a human does not come into being until it is independent from that which it came.”

There are some vague statements that after “childbirth… what started on a cellular level…human life has …come into being.”

As per Merriam-Webster online dictionary, “come into being” means “to begin to exist,” which can be further defined as one who “has actual being.”

Scientifically, human life “begins at the moment when the genetic information contained in the sperm and ovum combine to form a genetically unique cell.” This genetically unique cell has “come into being,” and therefore is human life at this stage.

The letter also indicated that a human being must be independent of the mother before being considered life. A baby, regardless of stage of development, developmental age, or whether physically attached (via a placenta) or separated after birth, is still a dependent human being. This baby relies on another human being to feed it, change it and care for its most basic human needs. It is not independent.

At any age, we may once again find ourselves in a state of varying dependence on others, whether that is to drive somewhere because of failing vision, or help with meals because we can no longer feed ourselves due to illness or trauma, etc.

I would passionately and compassionately argue that human beings, at all stages and (in)dependencies, are alive and have intrinsic value.

Regarding the word “murder” used in the letter, as per Merriam Webster, if one human being unlawfully and unjustifiably takes the life of another human being, that is murder. In Pennsylvania, if someone kills a pregnant woman and her unborn baby also dies, that person is charged with a double homicide. Some may argue that since abortion is legal depending on the age of the fetus (baby) and state, it is not murder under those circumstances. The legality of the act does not change the act: in both scenarios the innocent human life of the unborn baby is unjustifiably ended. It is still murder. Understanding these words is essential to understanding these truths.

Laura Gumprecht is president of the Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition.

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