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Bucks IU bestows Caring Community honors


The Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) recently celebrated local businesses, government agencies, organizations, school district personnel and individuals who pitched in to help the Bucks IU students this school year “learn, flourish, and contribute.”

The Bucks IU offers educational programs to students with autism, emotional needs and multiple disabilities at various sites throughout Bucks County.

“We can’t do this by ourselves,” Dr. Mark Hoffman, Bucks IU executive director said recently to dozens of honorees attending the agency’s annual Caring Community recognition event. “We could not do this without you.”

The Bucks IU has hosted the Caring Community recognition effort for several years. This year the Bucks IU recognized more than 140 area honorees from across Bucks County during the Caring Community initiative that culminated at the awards celebration and social event held in on May 16. About 100 people, including many of the honorees, their families and friends attended the event at the Bucks IU’s administrative offices in Doylestown.

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