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Free Fall Action Sports founder honored for contributions to Quakertown community


Dave Kratz, founder and executive director of Free Fall Action Sports and pastor at East Swamp Church, was awarded the honorary high school diploma from the Quakertown Community High School Alumni Association June 8.

The award is given to individuals who did not receive a diploma from Quakertown but have made impactful contributions to the Quakertown community. The honor was presented in the high school building by former Quakertown Community High School guidance counselor and close friend, Doug Detweiler.

Since founding Free Fall Action Sports in 2008, Kratz, has created a positive and supportive environment for students and their families to engage in action sports, emphasizing safety, mental health, and community engagement. Kratz, 50, earned this certificate because of this dedication to his faith, serving others, and fostering community growth at the skatepark.

Kratz earned a bachelor’s degree in pastoral studies and a Master of Science in organizational leadership from Cairn University. Although Kratz already earned a high school diploma from Pennridge High School, he was awarded the honorary diploma from Quakertown Community High School in recognition of his dedication and impact in the community through the skatepark. Examples of Kratz’s work include creating a nationally recognized, X-Games style annual action sports competition, hosting monthly action sports, arts, and music events, and being personally invested in the growth and leadership of students in the area at Free Fall Action Park.

Jordan Cox, an Alumni Association member from the Class of 2008, explained why he nominated Kratz for the award: “Dave worked tirelessly to bring the improvements needed to the local skatepark, transforming it from a place of frequent drug use and vandalism with dilapidated equipment into the state-of-the-art park it is today. People in the skating world may not have heard of Quakertown, but they have come to visit the park from all over the state.”

Cox added: “I have seen first-hand the impact Dave has had on students’ lives who were never seen or heard before, and now they are achieving great success.”

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