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Guest Opinion

Generators ruining idyllic afternoons on Valley View Lane


I’ve lived on Valley View Lane in Perkasie for 20 years. My home is technically in East Rockhill Township, but the land just behind my house is situated in Perkasie Borough. We are a neighborhood tucked behind Revivals, a Christian ministry site off Ridge Road, built in the mid-1990s.

It’s a quiet location with lots of kids and neighbors who spend time and effort keeping their little houses and properties maintained. Most families spend much of their free time outside in the summer, having friends and families on their decks and patios, with kids splashing in pools, folks barbecuing and spending evenings enjoying the downtime. It’s been quite idyllic. Until the Perkasie generators came.

Now, when those eight nearby diesel engines fire up and run through the afternoon and early evening, the noise is thundering. The ground reverberates, and windows and floors in our homes vibrate. When we are in our back yards, it’s like sitting next to eight running locomotives in a train yard.

There are no barriers or buffers (natural or otherwise) around this substation to minimize or control sound. Perkasie Borough has made no effort to manage or contain/reduce the noise.

I’ve been in written contact with Andrea Coaxum from Perkasie Borough since last year. She indicated that the company would perform a sound test but it may “take a while” since the company that installed the generators was located out of state, and the test needed to be conducted while the generators were running. That was months ago. I emailed Ms. Coaxum again this week because the engines have been running daily due to electric demand. I’m waiting for a reply. Another neighbor has emailed the borough asking for assistance and updates as well.

Many of our neighbors are upset about the generators and I am encouraging them to write to the borough to understand what will be done to correct the noise menace. There is a healthy thread of posts on the Next Door app about the generators. People have heard and felt the generators as far as the borough below Ridge Road. Since the emails have not been effective form of communication, we will be arranging to attend a Perkasie Borough Council meeting to discuss the subject. The general consensus is that we will do everything we can, but the borough hasn’t been responsive and will somehow find a way to avoid rectifying the situation.

I’m trying to get the issue in front of as many people and public media forums as possible.

I’ve also filed a request for assistance with Congressman Fitzpatrick’s office.

Andrea Mancaruso lives in East Rockhill.

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