Pride of Quakertown (POQ) has achieved a major milestone.
The nonprofit’s mission is to provide scholarships to children in need that enable them to participate in extra-curricular enrichment programs. In September, POQ surpassed $400,000 in scholarship giving to support this goal.
“We are very proud of and thankful for our sponsors, donors, volunteers, and event supporters that have helped us achieve this significant step,” said Pride of Quakertown co-founder Jen Reich.
Working through the counselors at the Quakertown Community School District, POQ has helped over 500 children participate in various activities including music, art, sports, and many other programs. Based on the counselors’ recommendation, each child receives an individual scholarship that supports his or her desire to achieve and grow.
“Participating in group sports or other team activities youngsters learn about teamwork and how to get along with others, valuable skills on the road to success in adulthood,” said Dave Freeman, sponsor and CEO of QNB Bank.
“Many of my students at Quakertown Elementary School are recipients of Pride of Quakertown Scholarships. It is such a gift to the students as well as their families. POQ allows students to participate in an extracurricular activity that otherwise would not be possible,” said Eileen Bruchak, school counselor at Quakertown Elementary School.
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