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Guest Opinion

Send 65 F-16s to Ukraine


I am writing to express my strong support for the United States supplying Ukraine with 65 F-16 fighter jets. As a U.S. Air Force officer veteran, I firmly believe that this strategic move is essential for Ukraine to achieve air superiority over Russian forces, ultimately leading to a cessation of hostilities and the return of imperialist Russian troops in defeat.

Ukraine has demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination in the face of Russian aggression. However, to sustain and escalate their defense, they need further advanced military equipment. The F-16, a versatile and powerful aircraft, would provide Ukraine with the necessary edge to dominate the airspace. Air superiority is crucial in modern warfare, allowing for better protection of ground forces, enhanced reconnaissance, and more effective execution of tactical operations. Ukrainian pilots have been training in the U.S. for the past six to eight months to be able to fly the USAF F-16.

Supplying Ukraine with these fighter jets is not just a matter of military strategy; it is a necessary moral imperative. The Ukrainian people have shown an unwavering commitment to their sovereignty and democratic values. By equipping them with F-16s, we reinforce our support for these principles and affirm our dedication to international law and human rights.

Moreover, a decisive victory for Ukraine would send a clear message to any nation like Russia contemplating similar acts of aggression. It would demonstrate that the international community, led by the United States, will not tolerate the violation of national borders and the subjugation of independent nations through force.

The impact of these jets could be transformative. With enhanced air capabilities, Ukraine could shift the balance of power, deter further Russian advances and expedite the path to peace. Russia would certainly have second thoughts regarding invading any NATO member country in the future. This move would save countless lives and restore stability to a region that has been marred by conflict for far, far too long.

I urge our federal leaders and policymakers to recognize the critical importance of this decision. Providing Ukraine with 65 F-16 fighter jets is a bold and necessary step toward ending this war and ensuring that the principles of freedom and justice prevail worldwide.

H. James Hulton III is a U.S. Air Force veteran living in Montgomery Township.

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