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Guest Opinion

Suggestions for making call for civility real


As a former president of the board of CB Cares Educational Foundation, I strongly support the Central Bucks School District Superintendent’s Call for Civility. I have been a victim of the incivility in CBSD. In the fall of 2021, a letter was sent to one of my churches, accusing me of grooming children and being a pedophile, because of my leadership of CB Cares.

Because the letter threatened my career as a United Methodist pastor, I gave my copy of the letter to the Doylestown Township Police.

That being said, I would like to posit a few suggestions:

• Both sides should model the behavior they want to see. The people in the front of the room can lead by example by being more respectful of each other, and not talking over each other. They can listen and seek to understand what fellow board members are saying. They can maintain transparency.

• They can model for students and the community the 40 Assets, as developed by Seach Institute. This applies to the public also.

• Both sides should tell the truth; should not bear false witness; and should not misrepresent the facts. Allegations were made about the CB Cares Educational Foundation that were not true. CB Cares maintained the highest level of fiscal management. I read their IRS form 990 from cover to cover. I know how the money was spent. Political opinion is most often not the whole truth.

• Speakers should present well-researched data and present both sides of an issue. Terms, such as “sexualized content,” should be clearly defined. Some could say the Bible has “sexualized content.” For example, read Song of Solomon 4:5, Chapters 7 and 8. And Ruth 3:3-9.

• We should all strive to be persons of integrity. When someone looks me in the eye and tells me something, I expect them to do what they say. Don’t tell me one thing and then do the exact opposite.

• Give credit where credit is due. For over 20 years, CB Cares has been a positive force in the community and the lives of student. Everything we did was based on the 40 Assets. We were concerned for the social and emotional well-being of every student. Over the past 18 months, CB Cares has not been praised for its efforts.

• We should all remember words and actions matter. They have a lasting impact, especially on students.

• A lack of integrity, truth-telling and transparency leads to an erosion of trust. This lack of trust is the leading cause of incivility.

Twenty years ago, Central Bucks School District administration and community were focused on the learning and well-being of every student. In 2005, Central Bucks was honored by America’s Promise as one of the 100 Best Communities in America.

I was there and have never been so proud of my community.

Let us strive together to again be one of the 100 Best Communities in America by striving to be persons of integrity, truth-telling and transparency.

Let’s affirm every student deserves the best we have to offer. Every student should feel they are respected and accepted, as they strive to discern who they are and what they can become.

Finally, no student should be harassed, bullied or marginalized in any way.

The Rev. Steven T. McComas lives in Doylestown Township and serves as pastor of Rolling Hills United Methodist Church and the Historical Lahaska United Methodist Church.

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