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Keyword: Guest Opinion

Sensible regulations vital for crypto

The time has come for the U.S. to adopt sensible regulations for the cryptocurrency world.

In our very divided political climate, it is easy to feel disillusioned. One may feel that things are so heated and confusing it is not worth getting involved on any level, including voting.

Red light cameras are an enforcement-for-profit racket that has nothing to do with highway safety.

Pennsylvania has a new law regarding Pharmacy Benefit Managers. While a few decent reforms were achieved, the public ought to know that the changes made to the bill the day before the vote substantially weakened the original legislation.

The safety of our pedestrians and the motoring public continues to be one of our most significant concerns in Montgomery Township.

Let’s make Bucks County a Blue Zone

There are many reasons Bucks County is already a great place to live: our beautiful wildlife, vibrant river towns, historical significance and proximity to major cities.

There was a Letter to the Editor in the July 11 edition (“Why abortion is not murder”) that made definitive statements about abortion not being murder.

Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation must hold health insurance companies accountable for leaving Americans with kidney failure behind.

Kayden Mancuso’s story can help Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania

Mothers in Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, have been suffering a brutal fate at the hands of the American family courts as they beg judges to protect their children from unstable fathers.

Reusable bags: Make it a habit

Have you noticed this sign in the windows of Newtown Borough businesses?

Ah! The political noise and chatter that precede the November elections are already growing to a bothersome level and will only get worse as time goes on.

Wrightstown Friends Meeting, like many faith communities, has been looking at how we can put our testimony of stewardship for the Earth into action.

Reforming juvenile justice system benefits kids, communities

We are youth advocates who were incarcerated at the ages of 14 and 15. We don’t want the juvenile legal system to do to others what it did to us and our peers.

Separate ideas from identity

Running along Creamery Road in New Hope, I couldn’t help but notice a kaleidoscope of different campaign signs that lined my route: Trump, Biden, Fitzpatrick, Ehasz — all names peculiarly positioned above the election year 2024.

Send 65 F-16s to Ukraine

I am writing to express my strong support for the United States supplying Ukraine with 65 F-16 fighter jets. As a U.S. Air Force officer veteran, I firmly believe that this strategic move is essential for Ukraine to achieve air superiority over Russian forces, ultimately leading to a cessation of hostilities and the return of imperialist Russian troops in defeat.

The petals of the tulip poplar are strewn across the forest floor, their orange and tawny yellow hues mirroring the stormy sky I glimpse snatches of through openings in the now-full canopy.

The July 11 letter arguing that abortion is not murder because “a human does not come into being until it is independent of that from which it came” is lacking in understanding of logic, law and science.

I returned from the shore and picked up the July 11 Bucks County Herald to learn about local news only to find several Letters and Guest Opinions about abortion and Democratic Party rhetoric.

Come out July 24 and say “No Buckingham warehouse”

If you’ve driven anywhere in Buckingham lately there’s no doubt you’ve noticed the hundreds of bright red “No Warehouse” signs planted in yards and intersections.

Vote Democrat. This is bigger than Biden

Frankly, when judging someone who is essentially applying for the job of President of the United States, is a debate an accurate measure?

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