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Letters to the Herald

New Hope outlines 2023 road improvement program


New Hope Borough Council is laying out its plans for road improvements for 2023, kicking-off the bidding process for eight repair projects with an authorization to advertise the program. Once engineers develop specifications, receive public bids and evaluate work proposals, council will consider a contract to the lowest responsive bidder.

All eight projects include pavement repair, while two intersections on West Ferry Street, at Stockton Avenue and Old Mill Road, will also see reconstruction to grating and stormwater inlets. The other locations targeted for this year’s repair program are West Mechanic Street, from New Street to Stockton Avenue; two stretches of Stoney Hill Road near Mechanic Street; two sections of Sugan Road near Stoney Hill Road, and Turnberry Way.

The projects were selected by the New Hope Borough Public Works Department and the borough consulting engineer, CKS Engineers of Doylestown. CKS will prepare the project specifications, advertise, oversee the bid opening and present its recommendation to council for consideration of approval.

Peter Gray,  New Hope Borough Manager

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